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vendredi 6 mars 2015

Ecotourism as an Alternative

Eco-tourism means much more than just sightseeing. It is an experience. For many ecotourists and others involved in the eco-tourism industry, and this experience to differ materially to the experience of mass tourism. As noted earlier, the disappointment with the mass tourism has sparked the emergence of eco-tourism. To the extent that eco-tourism, as a form of alternative tourism, and provides a form of tourism is less problematic than mass tourism, it is likely as diverse as the problems associated with mass tourism. Butler (1992, p. 33) notes that tourism can have adverse effects with respect to higher prices (goods and labor taxes and earth); changes in local attitudes and behavior. Pressure on people (congestion, disorder, and alienation); loss of resources, and access to the rights and privacy; degrade or prostitution local culture; the reduction of aesthetics. Pollution in various forms; lack of control over the future and the destination. Specific problems such as vandalism, litter, traffic, seasonal and low-wage employment.ecotourism_destinations
Compare hotel prices and find the best deal - www.hotelscombined.comAnd address many of these problems by the principles of sustainability is described in the previous section. However, eco-tourism often offers an alternative to mass tourism in ways that do not necessarily fall under the principles described so far in this chapter. Some of these qualities seem important from the viewpoint of demand. In particular, tourists are increasingly seeking authenticity, immersion, and self-discovery and quality rather than quantity (Wheeler Hall, 1992). They are seeking novel, bold and of a personal nature in unique locations and remote and / or primitive experiments (White, 1996b). Thus, the eco-tourism developments less popular tend to be small in size and low level and involve a high degree of participation by the local population. Crowded areas, which should be avoided. The fact that a large proportion of eco-tourism market offers on a small scale and personal experiences indicate that these properties often represent an important element of eco-tourism experience. However, it is debatable whether this should be viewed as essential characteristics of eco-tourism, because this would exclude a large number of tours that meet the other criteria, some of which may surpass the dimensions of sustainability and education. Thus, this dimension is perhaps best thought of as a secondary theme or principle that distinguishes classic eco-tourism of the popular eco-tourism.
As with the other dimensions of eco-tourism, and this dimension is associated with some of the tensions. In particular, the existence of tension between the desire for authentic tourist alternative, low-key and intimate experiences and the need to be sensitive to the values ​​of society. As Butler (1989, cited in Butler, 1990, p 0.44) Note, it can be said that tourism, which puts tourists in local homes, even when they are culturally sympathetic, not desirous of change in the local behavior, is much more likely to lead to changes in the local behavior in the long term is the largest number of tourists in the tourist ghettos more traditional, with limited contact with the local population. More generally, it may or may not be tourism operations on a small scale more sustainable than large-scale operations (Thomlinson and Getz, 1996). Places targeted toward exclusive, quality rather than quantity, type of experience eco-tourism is also at risk of appearing elitist (Whelan, 1991). Click here to more details

tourism in Rio DE Ganiro

Rio de Janeiro is one of the major tourist cities in the world and for the following reasons:
Because it offers the most famous images in Brazil, a country that is widely exotic, with a way of life "liberated", full of promise for the future and the economy.
Compare hotel prices and find the best deal - www.hotelscombined.comStunning beauty of its setting, and one of the finest harbors in the world - the Guanabara Bay - and a number of granite peaks, including the Sugar Loaf and Corcovado, which culminated in the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer.
After about 80 km from the beautiful sandy beaches, the most famous being the Copacabana and Ipanema more fashionable. These are perfect for people-watching (but not for bathing because of the waves in heavy Atlantic Ocean). The beach is a fashion parade, and in spite of beachwear is minimal, and is considered "naked" sunbathing by the visitors with disapproval. The need to look 'Cariocas "good is all important, so plastic surgery is not surprising is profitable industry. The use some beaches by certain social groups, or for a particular activity, such as Copacabana soccer, volleyball and Arpoador to surf the internet.Rio
Dance rhythms uninhabited and extravagant costume parades of Carnival, one of the greatest shows on earth, which works to break down social barriers between rich and poor in a country where millions do not even earn $ 80 minimum wage month.
To complement these resources in the city has good infrastructure for transportation, including two major airports, and world-class hotels, which are concentrated in the Copacabana area. However, in spite of these resources, in the last quarter of the twentieth century Rio reached the later stages of the life cycle tourism region and began to suffer from a number of problems. These are connected to the lower Rio tourism demand, and the changing nature of this demand and competition from other, newer destinations. In addition, many of the problems in the city stems from the fact that not only was the Rio replaced the national capital of Brasilia, and the loss of political influence this entails, but also outperformed the Rio Sao Paulo trading center. At the same time still in the city as a magnet for a large influx of migrants from the rural poor, while the rugged terrain makes it difficult to carry out urban planning for growth. Apart from the slums (shanty towns on the slopes of the mountains), Rio is divided from the mountain range Serra da Carioca in the northern region (Zona Norte) and South Zone (Zona Sul), where most of the tourist attractions are located.
In response to these problems, and has embarked on a major Rio building renewal initiative. This fits perfectly with the Brazilian government's objectives of:
Create a modern and effective state
Reduction of social and regional disparities
Modernization of the economy
Enhance the competitiveness of Brazil in the global markets. Click here to more details

The Scope of Ecotourism

Eco-tourism is a sector of the international tourism industry, which showed the fastest growth rate since the mid-1990s. The value of this sector in the economy of a developing country like Ecuador is great, but it is difficult to measure with any degree of acEcotourismcuracy. According to the Travel Industry Association of America, 83 per cent of tourists from the United States willing to spend more environmentally responsible companies with (Szuchman, 2001). Tour operators in South America are just too ready to add the eco-label for their products to attract tourists concerned about environmental issues, but in reality few of the hotels meet recognized environmental certification standards. There is no generally accepted definition of eco-tourism, but it is more than just travel naturebased, and most places are still far from being uninhabited wilderness.
Compare hotel prices and find the best deal - www.hotelscombined.comWherever there are local communities, indigenous people should gain economic benefits in the long run from this tourism rather than excluded, as was often the case in national parks and protected areas in Africa, for example. You must accept the eco-tourism resources as it is, on the basis that this may limit the number of hits during a certain period, and the promotion of ethical behavior and responsibilities in the conduct of all those involved. If we apply the eco-tourism for Leiper's model for a system of tourism, and the touristgenerating - for example, the United Kingdom - have a life resources wild deficit and a big part of the demand, while Ecuador has an abundance, including many unique species of plants and animals. In the area of ​​generation will be motivated and ecotourist positions "responsible consumption towards products based on nature, and will be educated to a higher than average level. Many of the individual tourists are far from wealthy (although they may be seen as such by the host community) , and for them it is likely to be a "holiday of a lifetime", which involves months of preparation - stage in anticipation of the trip - and also remembers the experience to potential tourists others long after their return to their countries of origin. In the area of ​​destination, and the nature is the main attraction, while the ancillary services (housing, restaurants and guidelines) should be well managed and "environmentally friendly." participate in the learning experience is the main goal of the trip, while shopping facilities, night-time entertainment is less a concern than it is the case for other types of tourism. in the transit area, where tourists take trips "place, the ecotourist seeking ideally carriers locally owned and non-polluting modes of transport. This may be an option for internal travel, from, say, the tourist base upon his arrival to the country of destination to a national park or other protected areas to be visited.
However, eco-tourism destinations such as the Ecuadorian Amazon is almost by definition remote places, and link to it from generating areas such as Britain requires a trip halfway around the world by air. Since aircraft emissions are the main source of pollution, and possibly contribute to the "greenhouse effect", this is the weakest link in the argument that eco-tourism is a form "greener" for tourism. Click here to more details

Viking Museums

Attempts to provide expertise and a sense of history roots can also be found in Northern Europe, especially Scandinavia. According to Halewood and HannViking_Museumsam (2001), and they generally fall into one of four types: traditional museums (for example, the Viking Museum ships in Bygdøy, Norway, and includes three ships of the 19th century in the edifice of the Church method that helps to build a sense of the nation and the people are able to Back to the heart of Norwegian culture) heritage centers (for example, Viking jorvik Center in New York, England, with the car ride of his time, along with the sounds and smells of the past); villages built (for example, Foteviken in Sweden, with demonstrations handicarft The houses and the people who work with pottery and tending crops and markets Viking, and re-enactments of cooking and fighting); amusement park (for example, Tusenfryd, 20 kilometers southeast of Oslo, Norway). Compare hotel prices and find the best deal - Last mentioned contain 'Viking Land ", constructed at a cost of $ 4.9 million in 1995. It includes the mountain hall, multimedia room where participants go for a ride in a long ship to' Vinland." On the way they encounter storms and attacks by pirates, and the intervention of the gods. There are additional facilities for banquets companies with the host and guests in Viking clothing. Also there that have been re-created village to the lake, dock, boat, home of one of the nobles, and the market is full of Omkan staff in period costume. Click here to more details

travel and tourism with friends and familly

Unfortunately a lot of the foundation work on the tourist behavior adopted inadvertently individual extremely orientation. Associated with this trend will undoubtedly be driven by the dominance of questionnairebased methodologies to explore the visitor's behavior. Usually are given questionnaires and surveys filled by individuals and data processing aggregates of individual responses. However, many researchers and students of tourist behavior in natural settings quickly recognize that many of the travel party consists not of individuals but of spouses and friEcotourismends, complex family gatherings. This is an example of a summary of the social dimension of tourism can mention some of the diverse examples. And dominates the long-distance car tour of Australia by senior couples (Pearce, 1999), for budget travelers youth often in small groups turned friendship (Buchanan and ROSSETTO, 1997), and visitors to zoos controlled attractions by family groups (Turley 0.2001 ), and gay male couples include more than half of the UK market wants gay at home and abroad (Clift, Callister, and Longo, 2002). In this view of interconnected social and travel behaviors method can determine the three focus. First, what about where to go on holidays decision is undoubtedly a complex mix of motives and restrictions on the entire party (see mother and Crompton, 1990). Thus Moscardo and Pearce report (1999) that one group of visitors to the indigenous population of major cultural park in northern Australia were not very interested in the attraction and quoted the main reason for being present as the 'other facilities. "Can be suggested that the tourist motivation of this type may be responsible for some Dozens of moderate satisfaction obtained in tourist settings. interest in the topic of "traveling with others." The challenge for managers of tourism in finding ways to engage the interest of the entire traveling party.
Compare hotel prices and find the best deal - www.hotelscombined.comParties also affect travel and composition of what people are doing on the site. Ryan (1992) that children are often more willing participants in the activities of the heritage sites. This review may stimulate the interest of parents and adults, and lead to an extension of time to visit with some of the commercial implications in terms of food and souvenir purchases. Meaning more restrictive, and travel with the senior members of the family or friendship group may limit participation in activities that physically demanding, as is the case when visitors Australia's Great Barrier Reef is not involved in diving because they chose to "stay dry 'and escort elderly relatives in the glass inspection Lower boat from Coral (Moscardo, 1996). The presence of familiar faces in the family form and friends can also be exerted a strong influence on the development of other relationships that are discussed in this chapter. couples, family groups, parties friendship often be self-sufficient in the social needs their own. This self-sufficiency limit the extent of their friendly relations with other travelers or search for members of the local community for conversation and stimulation. The third consideration relating to travel with others and exchange of satisfaction with the experience. individual travelers Unlike, and those traveling around the world or across their territory with others characterized by unity experience which can reflect on, her novel, and re-interpretation as part of the social experience and common. Thornton, Shaw, and Williams (1997) argue that children, in particular, our customers experienced, and because a lot of parents to consider satisfaction of their children to be important in the context of Entertainment, may be affected adult satisfaction of the reactions of their offspring. It also can extend this argument, although the experimental work is incomplete, to achieve the highest other satisfaction scores; one can expect to close friends should at least be affected to some extent by the satisfaction of companions traveling in the formation of attitudes own, while the long-term partners should demonstrate greater awareness of mutual influence in satisfaction scores. At this stage, however, these links are still research proposals instead of the planned results.
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